

19. Çin Uluslararası Et Endüstrisi Fuarı

The 19th China International Meat Industry Exhibition hosted by China meat assodciation and international meat secretariat open grandly in Qingdao

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Yeni S40 Kendinden İstiflemeli (Gyrocompact) Spiral Dondurucu Umman'a Teslim Edilmeye Hazır

We are delighted to deliver the S40 Self-stacking (gyrocompact) spiral freezer to our poultry processing client in Oman . The

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COVID-19'a rağmen Şili'ye spiral dondurucu teslim edildi

On June 23, 2020, Square Technology delivered another Double Spiral Freezer for a Chilean customer ahead of schedule. Despite the

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Kendinden İstiflemeli Spiral Dondurucular COVID-19 Bulutları Arasında Teslim Edildi

On 15th June 2020, with the last container truck departed from its warehouse, Square Technology successfully delivered first two of

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Yeni Bir Ön Montajlı Çatı Katı Soğutma Sistemi Tamamlandı

Square Technology released its new refrigeration system on June 1,2020. This full-featured refrigeration system is 100% preassembled in a fully

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Square Technology'nin yeni yatırım yaptığı ısı eşanjörü fabrikası tam kapasiteyle çalışmaya başladı

Square Technology invested a new fin/tube heat exchanger factory in the beginning of 2018 and the factory start to deliver

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