Zhongyue Food Group Spiral Oven Project

Square Spiral Oven

The China Zhongyue Food Group is a leading marinated chicken producer in Shandong province, China. Their key product is the Chinese marinated whole chicken, which is a signature meat food throughout China. The whole chicken is big and heavy. It’s more difficult to be fully cooked to bone. And the customer requests a nice brown color for the chicken after cooking. Square’s oven has lived up to the challenge and exceeded the requirements on cooking speed, capacity and product appearance. It’s the first spiral oven made in China to cook big products like whole chicken.


Visit us at the IPPE 2025

We look forward to meeting you in Atlanta, Georgia, at IPPE 2025.

The world’s largest annual display of technology, equipment, supplies, and services used in the production and processing of meat, and poultry.

Schedule Your Meeting and Discuss Your Needs
  • Exhibition Start Time

    28 - 30 January

  • Exhibition Venue

    Georgia World Congress Center

  • Stand Number
